Connecting Wheels to a Graphical Node for a Flexible Track
These steps describe how to associate the graphics representation of an individual wheel in a flexible track to the Vehicle Systems powertrain.
- In the Explorer panel, click the Connection Editor folder to open the Connection Editor. If there is no Connection Container, create one via the Toolbox.
- From the Explorer panel, expand the vehicle preset and click on the Dynamic Component extension.
The properties now appear in the Properties panel. - In the Properties panel,under the Outputs section, expand the Left Track; then expand the Wheel Item List.
- Click the appropriate wheel value transform and drag the Transform parameter into the Output header of the Connections folder.
- In the Explorer panel, in the 3D models folder click the corresponding graphic node to the vehicle preset you selected in the previous step.
- In the Properties panel, in the Inputs header, click and drag the Parent Transform to the Input header in the Connection Editor to the line with the Corresponding wheel vehicle preset.
- Repeat these steps for each wheel.