Integrating Vortex Studio with full Unity workflow -
The full integration of Unity with Vortex Studio offers the advantage of the standalone integration - full Unity workflow, two-way communication between Vortex and Unity (through VHL interfaces), etc. - in addition to the advantage of the integration for distributed simulation - distributed simulation, cable system, earthworks, etc. The integration can be added to any HDRP Unity project by installing the package
Follow the guides below to get started:
How to....
Enable your project to use Vortex Studio dynamics simulation | |
Keep your Vortex Studio scene and your Unity Scene synchronized | | | Use VortexApplication singleton to query the status of the simulation |
Use VHL to let Unity communicate back and forth with Vortex | |
Populate your scene with existing Vortex mechanism and assemblies | |
Connect Vortex simulated objects to Unity graphics | |
Using the Vortex Dynamics cable to show ruban, chains, or a simple cable in Unity | |
Configuring and using Viewport Cameras | |
Use Vortex Director to create a distributed Vortex-Unity simulator | |
Use your own Setup file that are exactly adapted to your simulation. | |
Use the Unit system to convert values in US units for display | |
Features of the Vortex Unity integration requiring Asset Bundles | Use features from the previous version of the Unity integration for using Unity as a renderer only, with asset bundles |
Integrate Unity Terrains with Vortex |