How to use the Vortex unit system in Unity
In order to support both the US and metric unit systems, users can now convert values into the Unity system that has been selected for the simulator. This page contains a description of the methods and enums used as parameter that are currently available.
UnitSystem utility class
The static UnitSystem class is available to help in this goal. Its methods can be used for converting units or getting a unit symbol. They use the PhysicalDimension and DimensionHint enums, described below:
Here are the available enum values for the PhysicalDimension
Name | Example with units |
None |
Length | Meter $m$ |
Volume | Meter^3 $m^3$ |
Mass | Kilogram $kg$ |
Time | Second $sec$ |
Angle | Radian $rd$ |
LinearSpeed | Meter per Second $m/sec$ |
LinearAcceleration | Meter per Second^2 $m/sec^2$ |
AngularSpeed | Radian per Second $rd/sec$ |
AngularAcceleration | Radian per Second^2 $rd/sec^2$ |
Force | Newton $N$ |
Torque | Newton Meter $N.m$ |
Energy | Joule $J$ |
Work | Joule $J$ |
Power | Watt $W$ |
MomentInertia | Kilogram Meter^2 $Kg.m^2$ |
SpringConstant | Newton per Meter $N/m$ |
SpringDamping | Mass per Second $Kg/sec$ |
SpringConstantUnitLength | Newton $N$ |
SpringDampingUnitLength | Mass Meter per Second $Kg.m/sec$ |
KineticLoss | Second per Mass $sec/Kg$ |
Percentage | Percentage 0 to 100 |
Normalize | Normalize 0 - 1 |
SpringConstantAngular | Newton Meter per radian $N.m/rd$ |
SpringDampingAngular | Mass Meter^2 per Second radian $Kg.m^2/(sec.rd)$ |
SpringConstantAngularUnitLength | Newton Meter^2 per radian $N.m^2/rd$ |
SpringDampingAngularUnitLength | Mass Meter^3 per Second radian $Kg.m^3/(sec.rd)$ |
DampingLinearVelocity | Kg/sec |
DampingAngularVelocity | Kg*m^2/sec |
Density | Kg/m^3 |
LinearDensity | Kg/m |
Momentum | Kg*m/sec |
Count | Real physical dimension i.e. Number of containers |
DynamicTransformationMatrix | 4x4 matrix with translation and rotation, no scaling |
FullTransformationMatrix | 4x4 matrix with translation, rotation, and scaling |
Pressure | Pascal or $N/m^2$ |
Scale | A scaling factor applied to another quantity : this is unitless. |
SpringCompliance | Meter per Force $m/N$ |
SpringComplianceAngular | Radian per Newton Meter $rd/N.m$ |
Frequency | Hertz |
SurfaceDensity | Unit per Hectare $unit/ha$ |
AngularKineticLoss | Seconds per kilograms per meters squared $sec/(kg.m^2)$ |
Area | Meter^2 $m^2$ |
VolumeFlowRate | Meter^3/sec $m^3/sec$ |
CubicMeterPerSecond | Same as VolumeFlowRate |
LiquidVolume | Liters $L$ |
LiquidVolumeRate | Liters per hour $L/h$ |
RotationRate | Revolutions per minute $RPM$ |
BucketEfficiencyFuel | Mass per liquid volume $kg/liter$ |
BucketEfficiencyTime | Mass per second $kg/s$ |
BladeEfficiency | $kg*m/liter$ |
Temperature | Temperature $degree Celsius$ |
Here are the available enum values for the DimensionHint
Name | Description |
Standard | Use the standard display for this unit |
LinearSpeedKmh | Kilometer per hour $km/h$ stored as kLinearSpeed in m/s |
MassTon | Ton $t$ stored as kMass in kg |
PowerKilowatt | Kilowatt $kW$ stored as kPower in watt |
PressureKilopascal | Kilopascal $kPa$ stored as kPressure in pascal |
BucketEfficiencyTonPerLiter | Ton per liter $t/L$ stored as kBucketEfficiencyFuel in kg/L |
BucketEfficiencyTonPerHour | Ton per hour $t/h$ stored as kBucketEfficiencyTime in kg/s |
LinearSpeedMmin | Meter per minute $m/min$ stored as kLinearSpeed in m/s |
BladeEfficiencyKgKmL | Kilogram-kilometer per liter $kgkm/L$ stored as kBladeEfficiency in kgm/L |
BladeEfficiencyTonKmL | Ton-kilometer per liter $tkm/L$ stored as kBladeEfficiency in kgm/L |
LengthKm | Kilometer $km$ stored as kLength in m |
LengthMm | Millimeter $mm$ stored as kLength in m |
PressureBar | Bar $bar$ stored as kPressure in pascal |
LengthCm | Centimeter $cm$ stored as kLength in m |
/// Convert a basic value in the given physical dimension to the preferred unit system
public static double ConvertToPreferred(double value, PhysicalDimension unit, DimensionHint display = DimensionHint.Standard) => VortexRuntime.ConvertToPreferred(value, unit, display);
/// Get the unit abbreviation for the given physical dimension in the preferred unit system
public static string GetPreferredUnitSymbol(PhysicalDimension unit, DimensionHint display = DimensionHint.Standard) => VortexRuntime.GetPreferredUnitSymbol(unit, display);
Code example
// All examples assume the application is using the metric system
double angleValue = UnitSystem.ConvertToPreferred(1.0, PhysicalDimension.Angle);
// angleValue will be 57.2957795
double massTonValue = UnitSystem.ConvertToPreferred(1500.0, PhysicalDimension.Mass, DimensionHint.MassTon);
// massTonValue will be 1.5
string lengthString = UnitSystem.GetPreferredUnitSymbol(PhysicalDimension.Length);
// lengthString will be "m"
string powerString = UnitSystem.GetPreferredUnitSymbol(PhysicalDimension.Power, DimensionHint.PowerKilowatt);
// powerString will be "kW"