Troubleshooting Licenses
This section describes how to troubleshoot issues with licensing.
- 1 Terminology
- 1.1 License Folder
- 1.2 License File
- 2 Troubleshooting Linux issues
- 3 Troubleshooting Activation Keys Issues
- 4 Troubleshooting Reported Licensing Errors
- 4.1 Inspecting existing licenses
- 4.2 Generating a Diagnostic File
- 4.3 Inspecting the License folder
- 4.4 Local machine license issues
- 4.5 License Server connection issues
- 5 License Server troubleshooting
- 6 Using older license files
- 7 Generating Floating Licenses Files on an older machine
- 8 Contacting CM-Labs Customer support
License Folder
You can locate all license files generated by the Vortex License Manager in the C:/CM Labs/Licenses
directory on Windows or /opt/cmlabs/licenses/
on Linux. It is important to note that you might require specific user privileges to create files in these directories. In case you lack the necessary permissions to write files in the license folders, the license manager application will notify you about its inability to write files in that particular location.
Both a Vortex license server and a local installation of Vortex Studio utilize the same directory for licensing purposes.
License File
Vortex license files have the extension .lic and are typically accessible in a text editor for troubleshooting purposes. The majority of generated license files are stored in the designated license folder.
The license files located in the License folder are produced by the Vortex License Manager. Deleting these files will result in the cessation of Vortex applications. In the event of accidental deletion, the License Manager can regenerate these files.
Additionally, certain license files may be present in the Vortex Studio bin
folder and in the server
directory of the RLM server binaries. These files are supplied by CM-Labs, and their removal can lead to Vortex applications failing to operate. If these files are mistakenly removed, a reinstallation of Vortex Studio will be necessary.
Troubleshooting Linux issues
The license manager needs root permissions to execute certain commands effectively. It is essential to run the license manager as root.
Troubleshooting Activation Keys Issues
Cannot connect to Activation Server
To create a license file using an activation key, it is essential to establish a connection to the RLM activation server through the Internet.
The activation server URL is
Verify the Connection to the Activation Server
To Verify the Connection to the Activation Server on Windows
The activation server connection status can be checked using the Vortex License Manager.
To begin, open the Vortex License Manager.
Once launched, the activation server status will be indicated by icons on the status bar.
In case of any issues, a warning message will be displayed.
Verify the Connection to the Activation Server on Linux
Execute the following command:
./VortexLicenseManager --status
The status appears on the screen.
Fixing Connection to the Activation Server Issues
If you are unable to connect to the activation server, please ensure that your Internet connection is working properly.
In case your device is unable to connect to the Internet, refer to Generating Node-Locked License Files for Another Computer for instructions on creating license files from a different device.
If your device has restricted Internet access, it must have the capability to reach the activation server at
If your Internet connection is stable, the issue may lie with the activation server. Please try again at a later time.
Read Error from Network
Even if the status indicates that the Activation server can be reached, the activation may fail with the message “read error from network“.
The likely cause is that the computer cannot properly access the Activation server due to firewall restrictions or is behind a proxy. These configurations can cause a delay in the transaction leading to an error. The network configuration must be efficient when activating the license. If you are unable to activate the license properly after setting up the firewall or proxy, try Generating Node-Locked License Files for Another Computer to generate license files from another machine, ideally on a different network.
The license file was deleted from the computer
If for some reason a license file was deleted on a given PC, it can be regenerated using the same activation key on the same machine even if the key was already activated.
Reusing an activation key is only allowed on the same machine originally used for license file generation.
Troubleshooting Reported Licensing Errors
Vortex Studio applications are giving you licensing errors. The first step is to inspect the available licenses.
Inspecting existing licenses
Launch the Vortex Studio License Manager application to see any existing Vortex Studio licenses that are currently available.
For more details, see Using the license manager
The application can be run on the client machine, and if everything looks fine on this side, on the server machine.
Generating a Diagnostic File
To resolve difficult licensing issues, it can be helpful to produce a diagnostic file. You can generate one for your CM Labs customer support representative, by following these steps:
To Generate a Diagnostic File (Windows)
Open the Vortex License Manager.
Click Options > Create Diagnostic File....
Enter a file name and click Save.
To Generate a Diagnostic File (Linux)
Launch the Vortex License Manager with the following parameters:
./VortexLicenseManager --diagnostic <file path>
The system generates a diagnostic file in the location you specified.
Inspecting the License folder
If the license manager did not show your activated product, please have a look in the license folder.
To resolve licensing issues with your CM Labs customer support representative, provide the content of that folder. In the case of a machine connecting to a license server, provide the content of both the client and the server.
Inspecting the License folder from the client machine
Node-locked License Files
There should be at least a license file (.lic file) in that folder. You may have multiple .lic
files in your folder, depending on the number of products you have activated.
They are usually named "license.lic" and typically contains 1 or more section like this:
LICENSE cmlabs studio_full_1 2021.03 17-mar-2021 uncounted
hostid=disksn=91422EB08D8F share=h issuer=hostedactivation issued=17-mar-2020
akey=1234-5678-9123-4567 options="n=Vortex Studio Create"
_ck=c9d263d938 sig="60PG4534WEJMCTAGSJ19W9HRJVCV80F7R2F1J5R22M0BU0HPU43E0QY0PTCUQ1WQH9DEE946FRT0"
LICENSE cmlabs: it is a CM-Labs license
studio_full_1: an internal name for a licensed product, which can vary.
A date in the format yyyy-mm: Maintenance and Support Expiration Date. Any version of Vortex released after that data cannot be used.
A date in the format dd-mm-yyyy: Licence Expiration date. The software cannot be used past that date
It will say permanent if you have a permanent license
uncounted means it is a node-lock license
“hostid” is the hardware identifier used by this machine
issuer should always be hostedactivation
"akey" is the activation key used to activate this product.
options: n is equal to your Product
License Files when connecting to a license server
If you are connecting to a license server, you should have a file name server.lic.
The most common file is server.lic
file. It is a human-readable file using any text editor. It should contain a single line, in this form:
HOST <hostname> ANY <port number>
may be written instead ofHOST
is the machine hosting the license server.ANY
is an internal tag, it may not be present.port number
is the communication port to thehostname
when communicating with the license server.
It is safe to delete this file. If deleted, you need to perform the steps described in Connecting to a License Server to reconnect to another one.
Inspecting the License folder from the License Server
If the license manager indicates the problematic files are rlm_roam_server.lic
or rlm_server_enable_vm.lic
, the problem is related to the rlm.exe
process, which is a license server.
These files should be in the same folder as rlm.exe
, which is usually found in the Vortex Licensing Tools installation folder, in its server
sub-folder. If the file is in your Vortex Studio bin
folder, please uninstall the license server and reinstall it with the latest version as described in the section License Server Setup.
Floating License Files
A floating license file generated by the Vortex License Manager appears like a node-lock license.
They are usually named "license.lic"m they typically contains a HOST and ISV line followed by multiples products sections:
HOST 0050568e3da0 5053
ISV cmlabs port=49676
LICENSE cmlabs studio_full_1 2021.03 permanent 20 share=h
issuer=hostedactivation issued=17-mar-2020 akey=1234-5678-9123-4567
options="n=Vortex Studio Activate" _ck=eb378feb96 sig="60PG4580PGF1VYA0
The first line gives the host information
HOST, just a tag for this line of information
An IP address or an hostname
If the machine's hostname changes but is otherwise the same computer, it is possible to regenerate the license file with the Vortex License Manager.
The hosted, hardware identifier used by this machine.
The port used for communication
This port needs to be available through a firewall
The second line gives the license provider information
ISV, just a tag for this line of information
cmlabs: this is for CM-Labs
port: another port used by the server for communication
This field is optional, if not set, the port used will change every time the server is started
This port needs to be available through a firewall. When using a firewall, this field needs to be used.
Followed by product information section
LICENSE cmlabs: it is a CM-Labs license
studio_full_1: an internal name for a licensed product, which can vary.
A date in the format yyyy-mm: Maintenance and Support Expiration Date. Any version of Vortex released after that data cannot be used.
A date in the format dd-mm-yyyy: Licence Expiration date. The software cannot be used past that date
It will say permanent if you have a permanent license
A number corresponding to the number of seats available to the server
issuer should always be hostedactivation
"akey" is the activation key used to activate this product.
options: n is equal to your Product
Local machine license issues
No license for Product (-1)
The product you are trying to use requires a license. Use the Vortex License Manager to investigate the cause.
Wrong host for license (-4)
The error indicates that the hardware identifier for this system has changed from the registered one. The host id can be found in the “hostid” property of the license file, or after the hostname in the line HOST. You can locate the active Hostid of the machine by generating a diagnostic file.
If you change the hardware of your system, the software may no longer recognize it has the host of your license. Please contact CM-Labs support with that information.
License Server connection issues
Read Error From Network (-105)
This issue usually means that a firewall is blocking your license server ports.
The license server will be communicating on 2 ports:
The port that is used by RLM for communication (default is 5053). It is on the HOST line. Connecting to the license server will use that port.
The ISV server port. in the ISV line(default changes each time the RLM license server is restarted, see procedure below to specify it)
You can check what ports you are running the license server on by opening the license.lic file
HOST 0050568e3da0 5053
ISV cmlabs port=49676
If port= is missing, then RLM uses a random port.
Make sure the two ports in your firewall are open
Bad server hostname in license file or port@host
The application cannot reach the address:port provided in the server.lic file
Communication Error with license server address:port
The application can reach the address:port provided in the server.lic file, but there is no server running on that system. A message should pop-up indicating the problematic file.
Vortex Studio-based applications (i.e., Vortex Studio Editor, Vortex Studio Player, Vortex Studio Director, and Simapp) all report server connection errors. In Windows, when an application detects a server connection error, it prompts you to start the Vortex License Manager application.
Verifying the Connection to a License Server
When you connect to a license server, a special server.lic
license file is generated in the license folder. The license file indicates the computer that hosts the license manager. If the host is valid but a license server is not running, Vortex Studio can encounter performance issues (license checks get very slow as each time the connection times out).
The Vortex License Manager application can detect that the host is valid while the license server is not running, and alert you.
If you are not connected to the license server, see Connecting to a License Server.
Detecting Server Connection Error (Windows)
Launch the Vortex License Manager. If the application detects a server connection error, an error message appears.
Make sure the server is running at the specified location.
If the
is invalid, delete the file.
Detecting Server Connection Error (Linux)
Launch the Vortex License Manager with the following parameters:
./VortexLicenseManager --list
The command lists all license files and their available product. If the application detects a server connection error, the following message appears:
License server at address <your machine>:<port e.g. 5053> is not running. Please start the server or delete the <file name> license file to remove the reference to this server.
Make sure the server is running at the given location.
If the
is invalid, delete the file.
Fixing Server Connection Errors
When there is a server connection error, the application prompts you to do the following:
Check that the license server is running on the machine with the hostname specified in the error message.
The server should be started on that machine.
If the server is running, check if the machine is reachable from the client machine.
Delete the file that refers to the license server.
When running a license server behind a firewall, please make sure your firewall settings are properly configured to allow communication with the license server.
Check firewall settings, the license server needs 2 ports
the default RLM server port, which by default changes every time it restarts.
For more information about this, please refer to the License Servers section.
License Server troubleshooting
The same tools for a node-locked computer can be used to diagnose issues on the server machines.
Checking License count from a license server
The license server install comes with a web interface that allows the user to perform administrative tasks.
The web API is available at port 5054 of the license server.
For example, if the server is at address, the web API can be opened, using a browser at
You should see something similar to this page open. Click the Status button.
Then, click the server status button as shown here:
Here is where you can locate which licenses are currently in use under column "inuse".
The roaming license (borrowed) can be seen under "roam", the column won't show if no license was borrowed.
If you need details on one of them, click the usage... button.
You'll get a view similar to this.
It indicates which user(and PC) is using the license.
A roaming license will have a column, "In (hold) time", that indicates the moment the license will be returned to the server.
Specials cases
Hosting a License Server on a Computer Already Having Node-locked Licenses
The Vortex License Manager can list confusing products when a computer is hosting a license server while having some node-locked licenses locally. In this case, the license server will try to use the node-locked licenses as floating licenses. In this case, the Vortex License Manager will duplicate the products available in the node-locked license:
one will be "Local"
one will be "Floating" with a count of 0 since it is not actually a floating license
Here is what you will see in the Vortex License Manager:
Please note that this behavior is "as expected" and is not an issue. Your node-locked license will be available locally. Please note that it won't be available for other computers connecting to this local license server.
Using older license files
Vortex License Manager Shows Duplicated Products
Vortex License Manager from 2019c or older and License for 2020a
If you use a Vortex License Manager from Vortex Studio 2019c or any older version, the application might show multiple times the same product. This can occur if your license is following our new standard established since Vortex Studio 2020a.
For instance, here is what you will see if you use the Vortex License Manager from Vortex Studio 2019c with a license for Vortex Studio Create 2020a.
This behavior is expected and is not an issue. Your product will be properly activated.
Vortex License Manager from 2020a and License from 2019c or older
If you use a Vortex License Manager from Vortex Studio 2020a, the application might show multiple times the same product. This can occur if your license is following our legacy standard.
For instance, here is what you will see if you use the Vortex License Manager from Vortex Studio 2020a with a license for Vortex Studio Create 2019c.
This behavior is expected and is not an issue. Your product will be properly activated.
Generating Floating Licenses Files on an older machine
The VortexLicenseManagerGUI is a Vortex application that requires at least the AVX2 instructions set.
The VortexLicenceManager is a command-line application that requires at least the AVX instruction set.
Should these application fails to launch using the Vortex Application, the license can still be generated with the web interface.
The license server install comes with a web interface that allows the user to perform administrative tasks.
The web API is available at port 5054 of the license server.
For example, if the server is at address, the web API can be opened, using a browser at
Start the web interface from a browser
Click on Activate Licence in the left column
Click on BEGIN License Activation
The ISV activation website should be Click Next.
Enter cmlabs as ISV and your activation key. Click Next.
Since you are activating your license on the license server machine, leave the Node-lock-hostid as is and set the license count to thee amount you want for this server (you should use the maximum). Click Next.
The license file should be created in the license folder (C:\CM Labs\Licenses\ on Windows). Click Next.
Review the information. Click on REQUEST License
The license file has been created. Click on Restart the License Server
Contacting CM-Labs Customer support
When contacting CM-Labs customer support about licensing issues, please provide the following information in your support ticket:
A general description of the issue.
The Vortex application causing the issue (Vortex Editor, Vortex Launcher, etc…)
Provide screenshots of the Vortex Application if you can.
Provide the logs of the Vortex Application.
The Vortex Studio Version.
Run the Vortex License Manager application and provide a screenshot of the license shown in the summary at startup.
Any information about the license installation such as the license key (1234-1234-1234-1234), the product (Create, Activate), etc...
Indicate the context; using a local license, Generating a license, having an issue with a license server, etc...
Generate a diagnostic file
If connecting to a license server, provide information from the client and server.
Provide the content of the license folder
If connecting to a license server, provide information from the client and server.
The server log files (if running a license server). which can be found in the license folder (server.log and cmlabs.dlog)
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