Configuring Viewports

Configuring Viewports

In the 3D View, you can configure viewports to modify an object in perspective or orthographic views.

You can view objects through one, two, three, or four viewports. For example, this is one viewport configuration that displays four views in equal proportion:

The new viewport configuration is only saved for the current session. The next time you launch the Editor you will have to re-configure the viewports.

There are seven types of views that you can choose from when viewing your objects in the 3D View: six orthographic (2D) and one perspective (3D).








You can customize your viewport layout and controls in a number of ways:

OpenChanging the Viewport Layout

  1. Right-click the 3D View and select Viewport Configuration...

    The Viewport Configuration window opens.

  2. Select a viewing configuration and click OK.

    The new viewing configuration is displayed in the 3D View.

OpenSwitching the Viewport Display View

  • Right-click the viewport and select one of the view types (for example, Top) from the Views context menu.

OpenChanging How Dynamics Object Appear in the Viewport

  • Right-click the viewport and select one of the view types from the Visual Styles context menu.

By default, the Fill style is enabled, which means that Dynamics objects (collision geometries) appear with solid blue faces.
However, you can change this style so that you see only Lines (edges) or Points in the geometry.

OpenMaximizing or Restoring a Single Viewport

  • While in a split view, right-click the desired viewport and click Maximize Viewport. This view will now occupy the 3D View.

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