Viewing Objects
Viewing Objects
Centering an Object in the Viewport(s)
For example, here the Active View is the Top viewport (bottom right):
Center In Active View
Here the same object was centered in All Views at once:
Center In All Views
Centering an Object in the Active View
The quickest way to center an object is to double-click on it in the 3D View.
However, you can also center an object using this method:
- Select the object you want to center in the 3D View.
- Right-click in the 3D View or Explorer panel and click Center In Active View.
The selected object appears centered in the active view.
Centering an Object in All Views
- Select the object you want to center in the 3D View.
- Right-click in the 3D View or Explorer panel and click Center In All Views.
The selected object appears centered in the all views.
Viewing a Part in its Reference Frame
In the Assembly Editor, it is often useful, especially when modifying Collision Geometries, to focus on a Part. Any Part in the Assembly can now be selected as reference frame, which means the grid and the cameras will be centered on the selected Part, as if it was now at the origin.
- To do so, right-click any Part to display the contextual menu, and select Use as reference frame. It's possible to switch to another Part with the same action.
- Reset the current reference frame by right-clicking any object and selecting Reset reference frame. This will reset the reference frame to the default, which is the Assembly.
, multiple selections available,