Part Properties Adapter Extension

Part Properties Adapter Extension

The Part Properties Adapter Extension allows one to change a number of part parameters at runtime, that would otherwise could only be set before the simulation begins. It may be added to a scene or mechanism, and takes a part as its single parameter.

In addition to allowing one to change parameters such as mass, center of mass offset, and the components of the inertia tensor at runtime, one may also add arbitrary forces and moments (torques) to the part. These inputs will override the parameters set in the part extension during the course of the simulation. This extension is particularly useful in dynamic scripts, where the input values may be procedurally controlled to implement some desired custom behaviour.


To use the extension, simply add it to a scene or mechanism and specify the part whose properties are to be adapted as a parameter in the extension. Setting values in the input will override the corresponding parameters in the part extension. While these inputs may be changed manually during the course of the simulation, automating the changes in a dynamics script extension allows for greater flexibility to implement custom behaviour. 

Example Use Cases

The following are some example use cases where modulating inertial parameters and applied forces and torques during the simulation may be desired, and could not be accomplished otherwise:

  1. Real-time tuning of mass properties for testing and validation.
  2. Co-simulations that require dynamically-determined effective masses and inertia tensors to be transferred between different sub-systems. 
  3. Inducing faults by radically changing mass properties or adding forces.
  4. Creating custom thrusters by modulating an appropriate applied force.

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