Create Local Final Metrics for the Simulator

Create Local Final Metrics for the Simulator

This document explains the format of the Final Metrics files and where to save them so that the data they contain is used by a simulation.

The Final Metrics are used to show a report card at the end of an exercise.  The list of metrics is kept as part of the content.

File format

You will find below the expected format of the JSON files for the Final Metrics. Please make sure to only change the list of MetricsIDs and to separate them with commas.

Final Data Format
    "Final Data":
        "MetricsIDs": [
    "version": 0

Creating an Exercise Specific Final Metrics File

In order for the JSON file to be used by the software, it needs to be saved in a specific path relative to the Assets Base Path. The path is as follows <Assets Base Path>\..\resources\FinalReports\<Exercise Display Name>.json 

If you are not sure where the Assets Base Path is, open the Setup Document (.vxc file) of your simulator and select the Simulator Module. The path will be displayed in the Parameters.

For the Exercise Display Name, a quick way to find the string is to open the Equipment Document (.vxequipment file) for the equipment that will be used. You will find the name of the exercise by selecting it and searching for the "Display Name" parameter in the "Properties" panel:

For this example, the resulting path of the file is: C:\CM Labs\Vortex Backhoe 2.0\resources\FinalReports\BH_BC_NAME.json

The metrics in the final report need to be the ones that show up at the end screen session for consistency.

Creating a Default Final Metrics File

If no final metrics file was created for a specific exercise, VortexToolkit will attempt to open a default file. This file acts as a fallback and should contain generic metrics available in every simulation. Please note that the metrics contained in the default file are not concatenated to an existing exercise Final Metrics file. Here is the complete path for the default file: <Assets Base Path>\..\resources\FinalReports\finalmetrics.json 

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