Opening the demo project from Vortex Demo Scenes in Unity Editor
The Demo Scene projects VortexIntegrationDemoProject shows the full power of Vortex integration in Unity.
The projects consists of the two Unity scenes. MobileCraneScene shows a crane and a transport truck than can interact together. TerrainDemo show a sports car that can be driven on a Unity Terrain. The scenes are located in the Assets/Scenes folder.
Follow the instruction in to open up the Vortex Integration Demo Project.
Mobile Crane Scene
This Unity Scene is associated with the Vortex Scene assets\Scenario\MobileCrane Scene\MobileCrane Weight Hook Pipe.vxscene
In the hierarchy, the Vortex Scene game object is the root of the associated scene, where you can see all Vortex objects, mechanism, graphics gallery, VHL, etc… Each associated Vortex object is indicated with an icon beside each game object in the Unity hierarchy.
Press Play in Unity, and start the simulation in the Vortex Player UI to see the Unity integration in action.
This Unity scenes shows many features of the Unity integration
Objects simulated by Vortex are shown and animated
Cables simulated by Vortex are shown in Unity
The two Roles can be triggered in the Vortex Player UI
HUD are created in Unity and get their values from VHL interfaces in Vortex
Terrain Demo
Terrain Demo demonstrate how a Unity terrain can be used directly by Vortex. This Unity scene is associated with assets\Scenario\TerrainDemo\TerrainDemo.vxscene. However, the Vortex scene does not have any terrain, the terrain is queried from Unity at runtime by Vortex.
Press Play in Unity, and start the simulation in the Vortex Player UI to see the Unity integration in action.
This Unity scenes shows many features of the Unity integration
Dynamics use of the Unity Terrain by Vortex at playt ime
Material mappings between the Terrain Layers and the Vortex Materials
Dynamics use of Unity Colliders by Vortex at play time.
Material mappings between the Unity Physics Material and Vortex Materials