Splines render geometry along a curve. They are typically used to render cable systems. They can be customized to render different types of geometry such as cylindrical cables or mesh chains.
Field | Description |
Visible | Toggles spline visibility. |
Cast Shadow | Whether the spline projects a shadow onto other objects. |
Receive Shadow | Whether the spline receives shadows projected by other objects. |
Graphics Material | Material to apply onto the generated mesh. |
Spline Control Points | Control points that define the spline. These can be provided by cable systems or custom scripts. |
Technique | Defines the geometry that will be rendered onto the spline.
Number of Sides | Defines the number of sides of a cylindrical spline. |
Radius | Radius of the rendered spline. |
Roundness | Defines the scaling proportions on the different sides of the cable. A value of 1 will produces sides of equal size. |
Texture Repeat Length | The number of times the texture is repeated along one unit of the length of the spline. |
Texture Repeat Width | The number of times the texture is repeated along the width of the spline. |
Interpolation | When active, interpolates the spline between its sections to produce smoother curves. |
Subdivision per Section | Number of subdivisions used to enhance the smoothness between each spline section. Used when interpolation is enabled. |
Alternate Mesh Rotation | When true, rotates every other mesh along the spline. Useful to render chains with a single link mesh. |
Mesh Overlap | Offset that enables overlapping meshes along the spline. Typically used to draw chains. |
Mesh Coverage | The size of the mesh on the spline. |
Mesh Instances | Number of mesh instances currently being rendered along the spline. |
Refer to cable tutorials for examples.