Importing Graphics

Importing Graphics

Vortex® Studio imports and stores the 3D model and all its components (materials, textures, etc.) into a single native file: the Graphics Gallery. This file is then sent to the mechanical engineers to build the simulation.

Importing the 3D Model in Vortex® Studio Editor

Launch Vortex® Studio EditorLocate the Vortex® Studio shortcut on your desktop and click on it.
You will find yourself on the Vortex® Studio Home page.

Create a new Graphics Gallery fileOn the Vortex® Studio Home page, click the Graphics Gallery shortcut to create a new blank file.
Rename and save your new file (*.vxgraphicgallery) in your preferred location and folder.
Working with Documents
Import the 3D modelFrom the Toolbox, double-click 3D Model and point it to the desired model file (.dae, .fbx, etc.).
The resulting Graphics Gallery will then contain:
  • A locked container displaying connections between the graphics nodes (these change only when modifying the node hierarchy in the Explorer panel)
  • A hierarchical list of graphic nodes (hierarchy can be changed by drag-and-dropping nodes in the Explorer panel)
  • A flat list of graphics geometries
  • A flat list of graphics materials
  • A flat list of textures
Graphics Galleries
Clean the hierarchyIt's preferable to have graphic node names that clearly identify the corresponding mechanical component, such as Front_Left_Wheel, or Lower_Front_Suspension_Arm.
You should have properly located/oriented transforms, a logical overall hierarchy, and no empty nodes.
A number of tools are available (via right-click contextual menu) to perform this operation:
  • Remove Orphans: this removes unused materials and textures, making the model file smaller
  • Bake Graphics Node(s): set the transform back to 0,0,0
  • Merge Graphics Nodes: merge the selected nodes and their associated meshes (note: nodes must use the same Graphic Materials)
  • Set Transform to Center: set the transform at the center of the mesh
  • Set Graphics Node Transform: set the transform at the same coordinates as the reference node
  • Change Mesh Orientation: reverse the normal of the triangles
Child nodes move with their parent nodes, unless they are connected to a dynamic part.
Graphics Node
Import texturesNormally, textures are imported with their model. If they were created separately, you need to import them and insert them into the desired Graphic Materials.
From the Toolbox, double-click Texture and point it to the desired file (.jpg, .png).
Check the textures and adapt the UV as required (position, tiling, set, etc.).
Set up Graphic MaterialsOpen the Graphic Material and place each texture (or mask) in its proper channel. You can add layers with the + button.
Adjust values such as color, transparency, reflectivity, using the preview at the top of the Properties panel.
Check the Environment Reflection box and set a value if you want reflection from a SkyDome inside your material.
Graphics Materials
Clean up the Graphics GalleryPerform some house-keeping to give order to the Graphics Gallery; this will make it easier for other users to read.
  • Rename textures
  • Rename materials
  • Rename geometries
  • Group similar files into labeled folders (e.g., Textures)
Graphics Gallery
Verify the finished modelVerify the model with the Daylight feature, or by placing it in its intended environment (in a Vortex® Studio Scene file).
Adjust colors and parameters as needed until the desired look is obtained.
Graphics Gallery

Making Further Corrections to a 3D Model

Modify the 3D Model in Vortex® StudioUse the Graphics Gallery tools listed in "Clean the Hierarchy" above to perform this operation:
  • Remove Orphans
  • Bake Graphics Node(s)
  • Merge Graphics Nodes
  • Set Transform to Center
  • Set Graphics Node Transform
  • Change Mesh Orientation
Model Simplification Tools
Export the 3D model for use in the DCCIt's possible to export the content of a Graphics Gallery back to a 3D model (.fbx format only).
Once you've done the changes in 3ds Max, re-import the 3D model into the Graphics Gallery.
Graphics Gallery
Export textures for use in DCCIt's possible to export a texture (for optimization purposes, for example, or to fix an issue).
Once you've done the changes in Photoshop, re-import the texture into the Graphics Gallery.