Vortex Sensors in Unreal Step-by-Step

Vortex Sensors in Unreal Step-by-Step


  1. First, create a simple Mechanism containing a Lidar as follows.

    1. Start by creating a fresh empty Mechanism in the Vortex Editor.

    2. Then search for Lidar in the toolbox and drag-and-drop the Lidar Sensor onto the viewport.

    3. Once added to the Mechanism change the Lidar parameters if desired, then hit Save and save to a location of your choice for now. When the Unreal project is created in the next step, or if you already have an Unreal project, we will move the Mechanism to the Content folder of the project.

    4. Make sure the Point Cloud Visualization input is enabled


  2. Now, create a new Unreal Project:


  3. Enable the Vortex Plugin, then restart the Unreal Editor.


  4. Copy the Mechanism to the Content folder of the Unreal project


  5. Drag-and-drop the Mechanism file into the Unreal project asset browser


  6. Add an empty actor to the level and add a Mechanism actor component to that actor.


  7. Assign the imported Lidar vxmechanism file to the Vortex Mechanism property of the Mechanism actor component


  8. Open the level blueprint and add the logic to start the vortex simulation on begin play and end the simulation on end play



  9. Save the Level using CTRL+S and configure the default level to launch on play. Then Save All by doing CTRL+SHIFT+S.



  10. Hit Play and you should see the Lidar visualization accessories (hit points).