Tandem Simulators
A tandem is a simulator set up to support multiple trainees in the same exercise.
Each trainee can operate equipment using similar hardware, such as CANopen devices.
In these cases, the devices could have the same DeviceID since each is on their own seat.
However, the simulator, and the system integrator, needs to differentiate which device belongs to which seat, when making the control preset.
Setting up Controls for a Tandem
A tandem is a single simulator with multiple operators. Each node has its own device module and extension.
In the example below, there is a four-node simulator (an engine, a console and two operators). Each operator, node1, and node2, have a CANopen module and a joystick HCMS8.
In order to set up a tandem, each node will have its seat (in this case, P1 and P2), and each seat will refer to its own modules and devices.
By putting a device in a seat, its Device ID will change to match the Seat ID of its seat.
The rest of the setup is done as before. Ideally the roles are set up properly for each seat, which will help with the control presets setup.
Setting up Tandem Controls in the Control Presets UI
In order to set up tandem controls using control presets, first start the simulator with Vortex Studio Director.
Select your equipment and exercise, and load your scene. When you get to the control presets UI, you will see that each Device ID contains the Seat ID.
Then edit the presets as you would normally do.