System Integrator Guide
Vortex Studio provides tools to set up and configure simulators on a local machine or on a distributed system.
A Vortex simulator is composed of applications (SimApp) running on different computers and communicating together through a common network channel.
Each SimApp runs a node of the simulation, e.g., the dynamics engine (solver), the operator console (user interface), or a rendering window (graphics engine). Each node is therefore associated to a process; several processes can run on the same computer.
For example, the Vortex Studio Player local simulator runs the three SimApps on the same local machine.
The setup document defines the nodes of the simulator, and the simulator file defines all running applications and their machines.
On each computer, a Vortex Service runs whose responsibility it is to start and monitor SimApps.
The Director communicates with each Vortex Service to configure and monitor the started applications.