The Dynamics Visualizer Tab

The Dynamics Visualizer tab on the Player interface shows options for that you can use to show information about dynamics entities in your simulation, such as CGs, constraints, and more.

To add a Dynamics Visualizer tab on a player, a Dynamics Visualizer Page must be added to the setup file. A Dynamics Visualizer extension and a Contact Visualizer extension must be assigned to the DynamicsVisualizer Extension and ContactVisualizer Extension fields.

(1) For convenience, some of the visualization options have a short key that you can use:

To See ...

Press ...

To See ...

Press ...

Collision Geometries

Shift+G or select checkbox

Collision geometries in color (CG Colorization)

No shortcut key, use check box to select

Center of Mass

Shift+M or select checkbox


Shift+J or select checkbox

Part Origins

Alt+Shift+M or select checkbox


Shift+I or select checkbox


Shift+C or select checkbox

Alt+C to toggle visualization mode

Alt+L to toggle the Legend visibility*

Enable Mouse Spring

No shortcut key, use check box to select

* For the Contact Normal Visualization, we use the following terminology

  • Matched: The contact was associated to a contact from the previous frame

  • Matched and Sliding: The contact is matched and is currently sliding

  • Unmatched: The contact was not associated to a contact from the previous frame

  • Unmatched and Sliding: The contact is unmatched and is currently sliding

(2) To set the scale factor that the system applies to displayed contact lines, use the selector to specify a scale factor.

(3) You can select one or more of the following display modes:

Display Mode


Display Mode



Shows the normal force response


Shows the contact force


Shows the torque option for supported types of contacts


Shows the amount of penetration


Shows the direction of the contact force

The Dynamics Visualizer page will only work in a single node application where the dynamics and graphics are on the same node. Launching simapp.exe for example