Vulkan Graphics Renderer in Vortex Editor


The new graphics renderer of Vortex Studio Create is based on Vulkan technology, allowing support on most desktop computers and laptops.



The Vulkan renderer has been integrated in the Vortex Editor to enable its usage on most desktop computers and laptops.

This new renderer is enabled by default in the Vortex Editor and in the Vortex Player.

Since the Vulkan renderer targets mechanical design workflows, some graphics differences might be visible from the previous versions using OpenGL.

This graphics improvements do not impact backward compatibility of the content, content created with previous versions are compatible with this new renderer.

Main Features Supported in Vulkan mode

  • Accessories of the dynamics features:

    • Collision Geometries

    • Constraints

    • Inertia Bodies

    • Center of Mass adjustment

  • Editor user interface features: 

    • Object manipulation (Position, Rotation, Scale)

    • Connection Graph

    • VHL interfaces to mechanical systems

    • Scripting

    • Collision Rules

    • Configurations

  • Graphics features for additional tools:

    • Cameras

    • HUD

    • Multi-tab workflows

    • Single layer materials

    • Animation Path

    • QT Console

  • To Come in future versions:

    • Basic previewers for geometry, material and texture.

Vulkan Renderer Settings

In the Editor’s Settings, when the Vulkan renderer is enabled, a Transparency Quality setting is available. Depending on the Selected value (Low, Medium, High or very High), a maximum number of transparent surfaces can be blended together.

How to enable OpenGL support in Vortex Editor

It is still possible to enable the OpenGL renderer, the graphic renderer can also be manually chosen via the Display Options page of the Editor as shown below.

How to enable OpenGL support in Vortex Player

It is possible to start the player in OpenGL mode with a command line.

  1. Open a Windows shell and go the your installed Vortex Toolkit bin directory.

  2. Run the following command line : VortexDirector.exe --launch "..\resources\config\player_OpenGL.vxsimulator"

Graphics Features Requiring a 3rd party graphics engine

We recommend using Unity or Unreal integration API for other advanced rendering features:

  • Light Halo and Probe, Shadows

  • Ambient, Directional, Point, and Spot Lights

  • Decals, 2D Particle rendering

  • Multi layered materials, blend modes

  • UV modifications on imported 3d models

  • Vehicle Traces

  • Weather effects, Skydome

  • Vegetation, Trees, Grass

  • Character, Humans animation

  • Color and Depth Camera

  • LIDAR Sensor

  • VR