How to build Qt 5.15.2 for Vortex Studio


Vortex Studio uses Qt's technologies for creating its multiple user interfaces. Several Qt pages show how to build Qt 5.15 with third parties (

In Vortex Studio, Qt 5.15.2 source is specifically linked with additional versions of Perl and XCB libraries (for Linux build)  and built into binary libraries with specific Qt's configurations. Changes were made to fix some small issues found in this version of the source code. The changes are listed in the section Patches for Qt 5.15.2 used in Vortex Studio.

The following sections detail steps by steps on how to build Qt 5.15.2.

System requirements

  • VS2019 C++ compiler

  • Python 2.7

Package downloads

Build Qt 5.15.2 for Windows

1) Run strawberry-perl- to install

2) Create a folder (e.g. c:\qt515_for_windows)

3) Unzip the content of Qt 5.15.2 package to a specified folder (e.g. c:\qt515_for_windows\qt5.15.2)

4) Apply patches listed in the section Patches for Qt 5.15.2 used in Vortex Studio.

5) Create a file named Makefile in the folder created in step #2 with this content

Makefile for building Qt5.15.2 for Windows
CURRENTDIR:=$(shell pwd) makeit: qt515 ; TOOLCHAIN:=x64_win32_vc14 export INCLUDE:=$(CURRENTDIR)\stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN)\include;$(INCLUDE) export LIB:=$(CURRENTDIR)\stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN)\lib;$(LIB) qt515: (mkdir build_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN) & cd build_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN) && \ $(CURRENTDIR)\qt5.15.2\configure -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -recheck -shared -opensource -confirm-license -no-system-proxies -openssl -opengl desktop -skip qtwebengine -nomake tests -nomake examples -prefix $(CURRENTDIR)\stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN)) .PHONY: qt515

7) Open the VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt as an administrator.



8) In the command prompt, run:

> make

Build Qt 5.15.1 for Linux

Linux still uses 5.15.1. Follow the download instruction but replace 5.15.2 for 5.15.1.

1) Make sure Perl is installed. Type the following to find out which version

      > perl -v

2) Create a folder (e.g. c:\qt515_for_windows)

3) Start a Terminal

4) Unzip the content of Qt5.15.1 package to a specified folder (e.g. c:\qt515_for_windows\qt5.15.1)

5) Apply patches listed in the section Patches for Qt 5.15.1 used in Vortex Studio.

6) Execute the following commands:

       > cd c:\qt515_for_windows\qt5.15.1

       > find ./ -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;

               > sudo su -

               > yum install libxcb libxcb-devel xcb-util xcb-util-devel libxkbcommon-devel libxkbcommon-x11-devel xcb-util-keysyms-devel xcb-util-wm-devel xcb-util-image-devel xcb-util-renderutil-devel mesa-libGL-devel

7) Create a file named Makefile in the folder created in step #2 with this content

Makefile for building Qt5.15.1 for Linux
CURRENTDIR:=$(shell pwd) makeit: qt515 ; TOOLCHAIN:=x64_rhel7_gcc73 export INCLUDE:=$(CURRENTDIR)/stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN)/include;$(INCLUDE) export LIB:=$(CURRENTDIR)/stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN)/lib;$(LIB) qt515: (mkdir -p build_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN) && cd build_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN) && \ chmod +x $(CURRENTDIR)/qt5/configure && \ chmod +x $(CURRENTDIR)/qt5/qtbase/configure && \ $(CURRENTDIR)/qt5.15.1/configure -shared -opensource -confirm-license -xcb -xcb-xlib -bundled-xcb-xinput -no-system-proxies -openssl -opengl desktop -skip qtwebengine -nomake tests -nomake examples -prefix $(CURRENTDIR)/stage_qt5_$(TOOLCHAIN) && \ $(MAKE) && \ $(MAKE) install) .PHONY: qt515

7) In the Terminal, run:

Patches for Qt 5.15.2 used in Vortex Studio

The following changes were made in the original Qt 5.15.2 source to fix some small issues found in the source.

Patch #1


Line 201: Added a check for valid qGuiApp 

Patch #2


Line 1156: Use a copy of extraData→eventFilters

Patch #3:


Line 55: Change made to QT_MAX_CACHED_GLYPH_SIZE


Line 221: in the function QAccessibleButton::role(), added a check for valid ab variable
Line 346: in the function QAccessibleToolButton::role(), added a check for valid ab variable

Patch #4: 


Line 5827 & 5828: Replace these 2 lines with the following:

Patch #5:


Line 63: add include
Line 74: add static mutex in anonymous namespace
Line 86: add mutex locker in QWindowsUiaMainProvider::providerForAccessible()
Line 274: add mutex locker in QWindowsUiaMainProvider::Release()


Line 78: make connection a direct connection by adding a Qt::DirectConnection argument to the connect()