Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor, allowing you to define the basis for your simulation. This section describes basic elements of
Scenes |
Vortex® hierarchy and allows you to position and connect the elements of the scene (mechanisms, terrain, etc.) together. A Scene is the highest-level element in the |
Mechanisms |
Vortex® content, as they contain the link between the dynamics objects and the rest of the simulation. Mechanisms play a very important role in |
Assemblies |
An assembly contains the basic objects for dynamic simulation: parts, constraints and graphics. It is built and used by mechanical engineers and contains all that is necessary to implement the mechanical design of a component. It is a object that reacts to mechanical and data inputs. The Assembly can be added to a scene or to a mechanism. |
Control Interface |
This section describes how to enhance your simulation with predefined device systems. |
Simulator Setup User Guide |
A setup document (VXC extension) allows you to set up or configure a Vortex application without doing it all manually in code. |
Graphics Galleries |
A Graphics Gallery document saves imported 3D models from a variety of software and file formats and converts those models to a file that is independent from the source software, using a .vxgraphicgallery file extension |
Equipment and Exercise |
Equipment and Exercises Documents
Vortex Console. An equipment is a representation of a real-life hardware that the operator will train for and an exercise is a representation of a training scenario for an equipment. An example of an Equipment could be a Tower Crane, which contains one or several Exercises, such as Learn Basic Commands, Unload a Truck or Placing Concrete Panels. Equipment and exercises are shown in the Vortex Console. The user can select an Equipment and a corresponding Exercise for simulation. All the Exercises that are related to the same piece of machinery are grouped within the Equipment definition.
Vortex Equipment and Exercises are concepts that are used in the |
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Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor Documents
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Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor Documents
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Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor Documents
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Vortex Studio Editor Documents
Vortex Studio Editor Documents
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