Adding Extensions

Adding Extensions

This section describes how to extend and add additional functionality by using the built in extensions.

There are a number of extensions that are available by default in Vortex® , such as the default joystick extension, a custom shader, a custom light, and the connections sample.

Vortex Studio Editor provides several mechanism and scene extensions by default, you can also create your own extensions using the SDK. For more information, see Customizing Vortex.


Each extension falls into a category so when you are looking for an extension to import, you pick it from a list ordered by category.

  1. If you are not already in the Scene or Mechanism editor, either open an existing scene or mechanism or create a new one.
  2. In the Toolbox, select the category of extension you want to add. That category's extensions appear to its right.
  3. Select the desired extension.
  4. Drag and drop the extension into the 3D View. Depending on context, some extensions can be dragged to a desired location in the Explorer panel.
  5. The name of the newly imported extension now appears in the Explorer panel.

If an extension appears grayed out and in italics, this means that the extension is unmanaged.

An extension can be unmanaged for the following reasons:

  • The associated plugin/module is not installed or configured properly. This can happen when an extension is configured outside Vortex Studio Editor using the Vortex Studio SDK.
  • The extension is not available under the current license.

You can add the following extensions:

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